Milan, Stefano Pioli dribbles over renewals

Stefano Pioli’s words
Stefano Pioli is focused on the Champions League race: “We have to try to reach fourth place, or even something better, and we want to try as early as tomorrow. It is preferable not to get to the last day. During the week, however, I saw in the boys all the situations I wanted to see. In Turin we have to show that we are a great team. How Juve comes to this match is not our concern, nor our problem, however, I am sure they will play the best game possible. In general terms, they had a championship a hair better than ours and a Champions League worse than ours.”
“This is not the time to talk about renewals, the market and so on, now is too important this final season. I can only say that the management is certainly already working for next season, they are very focused and committed to this. For us this moment is the continuation of a positive path, certainly with some disappointments. We must never forget where we started from. Maldini says 8 season in case of Champions? For me there is no grade until the championship ends. We can finish second as well as sixth, so it is useless to make a certain kind of evaluation. I repeat, our ambition is to win tomorrow to close early by centering important goal without waiting for last game. For the rest, at Milanello we have always divided the merits and responsibilities. Here we are not looking for culprits but for solutions.”