Italvolley, tomorrow’s Azzurri in Taranto.

Italy, the summonses
On the instructions of Technical Commissioner Ferdinando De Giorgi, the first convocations have been issued for the collegial scheduled in Taranto for the Men’s National Senior Team, valid from June 27 to 29.
The summoned athletes: Tim Held, Paolo Porro, Marco Vitelli, Francesco Recine, Lorenzo Sala, Nicola Salsi, Giovanni Sanguinetti, Tommaso Guzzo, Davide Gardini, Leandro Mosca, Lorenzo Cortesia, Alessandro Piccinelli, Alberto Pol, Damiano Catania, Francesco Comparoni, Mattia Bottolo.
The staff will be composed of Vincenzo Fanizza (1 All.), Luca Leoni (Ass. All.), Mario Di Pietro (Ass. All.), Oscar Berti (Athletic Trainer), Ottaviano Tateo (Physiotherapist), Ennio Giordano (Physician), Simone Cruciani (Scoutman), Emanuele Carpentieri (from 26/6).
From June 27 to July 7, the Ionian capital will host a collegiate of the men’s national volleyball team led by coach Vincenzo Fanizza, a team that will participate in the upcoming XXXI Universiade in Chengdu, China. In the last days of the collegiate among other things – July 4 to 7 – an international quadrangular will also take place involving the Azzurri and the national teams of Holland, Tunisia and Japan, with matches scheduled at PalaMazzola and Palasport in Francavilla Fontana.