Cantù, grand launch of season ticket campaign

Cantù, grand launch of season ticket campaign
Omnia Vincit Amor, love conquers all, is the slogan of Cantù Basketball’s 2023/2024 season ticket campaign. The campaign was launched in the picturesque location of Times Square, New York, with a video broadcast on a giant advertising screen.
“The love of our people,” says Biancoblù General Manager, Alessandro Santoro, “makes us more ready in difficulties, stronger and prouder when rejoicing over satisfactions, but also forgiving when needed. We wanted to send a strong message namely that, at the center of our project, there is our fabulous public that always follows us with identical love. They are the extra strength of this club, and it is thanks to them that we start again with even greater determination and steadfastness in preparing for the new season.”
Just to meet its supporters, the club has decided to keep the identical prices as last season, including in all season tickets the home match of the Super Cup round, the 11 home league games and the 5 challenges of the clock phase. The campaign, as usual, will be divided into three different periods:
The season ticket campaign will open on Monday, July 10, with a window dedicated exclusively to 2022-’23 subscribers, who will be able to exercise the right of pre-emption on their seats. Pre-emption, which provides a 10 percent discount on the full season ticket price, will end on July 15. Below are the prices:
Full Ring II and Curve € 130.00 – Reduced € 100.00
Full Tier I Ring € 170.00 – Reduced € 130.00
Full Tribune I Ring € 240.00 – Reduced € 185.00
Full Parterre € 500.00 – Reduced € 500.00
Subscribers 2022-’23 may also exercise the right of first refusal on their seats by sending an e- mail to by July 15.
On Tuesday, July 18, the season ticket campaign will open to all Cantù Basketball fans. Phase 1 will run from July 18 to July 31 and will maintain the same prices as last season.
Full II Ring and Curva € 145.00 – Reduced € 115.00
Full Tier I Ring € 190.00 – Reduced € 145.00
Full Tribune I Ring € 265.00 – Reduced € 210.00
Full Parterre € 550.00 – Reduced € 550.00
The second and final phase will run from Aug. 7 to Sept. 23, allowing fans more than a month to sign up for the new card. These are the prices for the second phase:
Full Ring II and Curva € 155.00 – Reduced € 120.00
Full Tier I Ring € 200.00 – Reduced € 155.00
Full Tribune I Ring € 280.00 – Reduced € 220.00
Full Parterre € 580.00 – Reduced € 580.00
Also for this season in the Parterre sector it will be possible to purchase, at a cost of € 1,000.00, a special card that will include all home playoff games, access to the Hospitality room at PalaFitLineDesio and reserved parking.
Members of Tutti Insieme Cantù will enjoy an additional benefit: for them, prices will be locked at the same rates as the “Pre-emption” for the entire course of the season ticket campaign.
Reduced prices for under-14s (born in 2009 inclusive) and over-70s (born in 1953 inclusive).
Season tickets can be signed online at or at the Cantù Basketball Headquarters, 216 Como Street, Cantù. The venue ticket office will be open from July 10 to 15 (Pre-emption), July 18 to 22 (Phase 1), Sept. 4 to 8 and Sept. 11 to 15 (Phase 2). The ticket office at the venue will open Monday through Friday from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. On Saturday, July 15 and Saturday, July 22, the venue will instead be open from 10:00 a.m. to noon.
Online service, on the other hand, will always be available. Each phase will always begin at 10:00 a.m. on the indicated day.