Trentino Cup to Italy, Spagnolo and Procida exult: “Outstanding group”

A convincing victory, with very young protagonists on the shields.
The Trentino Basket Cup goes to Italy, able to beat China 79-61 in the final at the BLM Group Arena. Ahead of the upcoming World Championships, a high-level test for the Azzurri of coach Gianmarco Pozzecco, in which some of our young national team’s stars stand out. Among them Matteo Spagnolo, MVP and top scorer with 13 points. Also good was Gabriele Procida, who put up 10. And just the two of them expressed their satisfaction at the end of the game.
The first to talk about his Italy’s success, at the microphones of ‘Sky Sport,’ was Matteo Spagnolo: “We are very happy to have created this beautiful environment. The national team is like a family, so we all feel the need to fight for each other. We always give our hearts and put all of ourselves every minute we take the field.”
Great enthusiasm also for Gabriele Procida: “It took a basket, it took a dunk and two easy points to get me into the game. I also deserve credit to my teammates, who came after me. I am really happy to be part of this outstanding group. In the national team I definitely have to enter with conviction, put a lot of energy on every possession and defend to the death. This is because both Matteo and I are the smallest and we have to earn every single minute by giving so much aggression and helping the team at every opportunity. Starting from that, the offense comes all by itself.”
“We are strong, we are united and we have fun. This is the truth. The guys have been playing together for a long time anyway, to be added there are only a few of us. But the main thing is that we have fun, we pass the ball to each other and we are really cohesive both on and off the field,” Procida concluded.