Gianluca Basile, new life among olives

The words of Gianluca Basile
Gianluca Basile has changed his life.
In fact, the former player of Fortitudo Bologna, but also of Cantù and Milan, told Studio Aperto how today, at 41 years old, he no longer dedicates himself to basketball but to olives.
“You don’t know what satisfaction it is when you go to the mill and see the oil come out. Like winning the EuroLega or a medal, because it’s always a goal you achieve,” said the king of “ignorant shots.”
Former Olimpia Milano player and general manager Flavio Portaluppi, on the other hand, gave an interview to ‘Il Giorno’ in which he talked about Olimpia Milano, extolling the Nikola Mirotic deal. “Mirotic? Player of an unquestionable level, whether we talk about his NBA or EuroLeaue career. I am intrigued, a lot, by the duo he will compose with Nicolò Melli. The captain of Olimpia Milano has played often as a center this year as well, so he will not be a problem and will indeed turn into a very interesting key, to be exploited. Nikola Mirotic in Milan is something absolutely sensational.”
On Pangos he said, “I will preface this by saying, I have always liked Pangos. Sure, he has had a few too many physical setbacks in recent years. But at the end of the day, in the last few years Olimpia only missed, in Europe, the first part of last season. I imagine the position will remain super-attended: if things don’t go well, the wait won’t be as long as last year.”
“(Ario Costa) expressed his opinion, I don’t agree with it. I think it is neither good nor bad. If they could get the Italians back into the EuroLeague playoffs and to the Final Four, it would be a great thing for the whole movement. The problem is that we can’t get visibility on television, even at the European level, with rights that are worth a crumb compared to what the clubs invest,” he concluded on the Olimpia-Virtus duopoly.