Genoa, Alberto Gilardino announces injury

Alberto Gilardino’s words on the eve of Genoa-Fiorentina
Alberto Gilardino spoke in a press conference on the eve of his Serie A debut, which will see the Grifone take on Fiorentina on Saturday night at Marassi: “It is normal that like all debuts there is emotion but there is also conviction and awareness on my part, on the part of the team and from the enthusiasm that our people are giving us. In my career I wore the Fiorentina jersey where I experienced, together with the team, important moments as I did at Genoa.”
“We have to face the match with the same tactical intelligence as in the other games,” the coach of the red and blue team stressed. There will be moments when we will have to sacrifice in the defensive phase, we will have to play a perfect game against them. The team is under construction, important players have arrived in the group like Martin, Thorsby, Leali. De Winter, Retegui, Messias have arrived, but he will have to stay put for a while. I hope to have him after the break. They are players who give youth, freshness quality and physicality within a well-run group. For tomorrow we are a bit short numerically, we have players to evaluate like Melegoni and Vogliacco. The others are all well. We have worked well from Moena to Genoa. There is the conviction to play the right game. Fundamental is the determination we will put into the match. Bani and Biraschi? Both Mattia and Davide have recovered fully.”
He then set the goal: “We have to reach 40 points and that is never easy. Every year in A there are always special moments and reaching a goal is something special. Every day we work to improve and this must be inside everyone’s head, to not set limits for ourselves.”
“For Malinovskyi we are waiting for it to be final, he is a player who is not for me to introduce and he has shown important things in the Serie A championship. Messias has played many roles. He is a pliant player who sacrifices himself in both phases. When he is in top condition he will be important. Malinovskyi at Atalanta played in the two in the middle or trequartista, in Genk he played as a play,” Gilardino concluded.