World Gravel Championships, Federation clarifies

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World Gravel Championships, Federation clarifies

In reference to inferences that have appeared in recent hours on various sites regarding the’assignment of the 2023 World Gravel Championships, the Federation "in order to clarify and bring the facts back into’the realm of truth, recalls that the’assignment and revocation of the World Championships è of exclusive competence of the’UCI".

"In particular, regarding the world championship in question, the revocation of the’organization of the World Gravel Championships 2023 to PP SPORT EVENTS SRL è has been communicated to the same organizing company (to which one can’address to know the reasons) by the’International Cycling Union by missive and, for information, to the Italian Cycling Federation. Therefore, the reconstructions reported in these hours about an intervention of the FCI itself, and of the president Dagnoni in particular, to take away the organization of the event from the company’in question, turn out to be completely invented. It’ is true, however, that the Italian Cycling Federation, having taken note of the decision of’UCI, è promptly took action so that’the’organization of’the event was not destined elsewhere" we still read in the note.

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