Women’s Volleyball League, Fabris re-elected

Women’s volleyball league, the assembly
Today, Monday, September 18, the Consortium Societies of the Women’s Volleyball League gathered at the Excelsior Hotel Gallia in Milan for the Ordinary Elective Assembly.
After the presentation of its program, the Consortium confirmed Mauro Fabris as President of the Women’s Volleyball League Serie A again for the three-year period 2023-26 with 32 votes in support and 1 abstained out of the 33 voting members. Mauro Fabris, 65, from Vicenza, Italy, a freelancer, è vice president of Strada dei Parchi spa, active in highway concessions, and vice president of ANEV, the association that groups Italian companies in the wind power sector. È was first elected in 2006, and since then the top women’s volleyball companies have always wanted him to lead their consortium.
Subsequently, the’Assembly elected the members of the Board of Directors, which will be composed for Series A1 by Filippo Vergnano (Reale Mutua Fenera Chieri’76), Giuseppe Pirola (UYBA Volley Busto Arsizio) and Aldo Enzo Serafino Fumagalli (Allianz Vero Volley Milano), and for the A2 Series by Carla Burato (Ipag S.lle Ramonda Montecchio) and by Giovanni Sarti (Volley Hermaea Olbia), elected in the second vote.