Sky, names of other champions attending 20-year anniversary party announced

Big names for Sky party
Big names from the world of sports are joining Sky’s celebrations for its 20 years in Italy. In addition to Minister for Sport and Youth Andrea Abodi, already announced in recent days, On October 2, 3 and 4, also participating in the celebration at the National Roman Museum – Terme di Diocleziano, in Rome, will be: Beppe Bergomi, Sky Sport commentator; Lavinia Biagiotti, president of Marco Simone Golf & Country Club; Federico Buffa, Sky Sport storyteller; Fabio Caressa, voice and face of Sky Sport; Gigi Datome, basketball champion; Rossella Fiamingo, fencing champion; Filippo Tortu, Olympic champion sprinter.
The capital’s magnificent archaeological site will be transformed into an exceptional TV studio among appointments in sports, media, culture, innovation and current affairs. These other new names, beyond the world of Sports, joining the previous ones already communicated: Luigi Abete, president A.S. Luiss; Michela Andreozzi, actress, director and screenwriter; Pupi Avati, director and screenwriter; Nicolas Ballario, journalist and art curator; Anna Maria Bernini, minister of the University and Research; Margherita Cassano, president of the Court of Cassation; Paolo Conversi, professor of Ecology and Law of the’Environment at the Pontifical Lateran University; Silvia D’Amico, actress; Costantino Della Gherardesca, television and radio host; Leonardo Fasoli, screenwriter; Francesco Paolo Figliuolo, Commissioner for reconstruction in Emilia – Romagna; Maya Gabeira, climate activist; Carlotta Gamba, actress; Beatrice Grannò, actress and musician; Licypriya Kangujam, climate activist; Evgenia Kara-Murza, wife of an anti-Putin dissident; Riccardo Luna, journalist; Alberto Marenghi, vice-president of Confindustria; Maddalena Ravagli, screenwriter; Nicola Savino, radio and TV host; Massimo Scaccabarozzi, president of Expo Roma 2030 Foundation; Alessandro Spada, president of Assolombarda; Oliviero Toscani, photographer; Riccardo Tozzi, film and TV producer; Ineza Umuhoza Grace, climate activist; Walter Veltroni, journalist, writer and director; Paolo Virzì, director, screenwriter and producer.
Coming up is a series of meetings that will take stock of the national and international creative industry, trying to imagine possible future scenarios for the sector and beyond. But it will also be an opportunity to retrace how Sky has contributed in twenty years to the development of the audiovisual and creative sector, with a commitment that, still today, is to innovate and experiment with new languages, new talents and new technologies, always keeping an eye on the future. Also at the center of the many panels were the geopolitical, economic, social, environmental and cultural changes that, as never before, are rapidly reshaping our society. To celebrate the occasion, many well-known faces from show business, sports and culture will tell their stories in the first person. Finally, the opening and closing nights will be enriched by the presence of musical artists who will tell their stories beyond their songs, in a mix of words and music.