Fiorentina, M’Bala Nzola sends message to fans

Fiorentina, the message of M'Bala Nzola
One goal in eleven appearances are certainly not the roster that was expected, at Fiorentina, from M'Bala Nzola, the Angolan striker who arrived to wear the purple jersey in the summer, after three and a half seasons at Spezia. And è the Angolan striker himself to make mea culpa, admitting in first person that he has not yet reached his 100 percent.
Speaking at the microphones of 'Sky Sport' on the occasion of the inauguration of the Viola Park, Nzola sent a message to the lily fans: "I feel good, I work every day to find again that Nzola that everyone has come to know – he said. As a team, we don’t give ourselves limits: I know that a better Nzola will arrive than in the first part of the season, we will get very high".
The Fiorentina coach himself, Vincenzo Italiano, wanted to spur Nzola and the rest of the forwards on the roster: "C'è still some aspects to improve – said the purple coach -, like every team. The center forwards must score more; and we must not alternate 45 good minutes with others that are not up to par. Forò the team è young and has great room for improvement".
Fiorentina è one of the surprises of these first two months of the championship: third in the standings tied with Juventus, the lily team è took the satisfaction, Sunday, of beating Napoli at the 'Maradona', with a 3-1 signed Brekalo-Bonaventura-Nico Gonzalez.