Asia Volpi, won the World Fair Play Awards

Asia Volpi, the award
Fencing and fair play: an authentic pair that continues to assert itself. Last Saturday (Oct. 21) Fanum Fortunae Scherma’s fencer, Asia Volpi, è was awarded in Budapest the prestigious “World Fair Play Awards” in the “Youth” category, by the ’International Fair Play Committee chaired by Jenő Kamuti.
The award is given starting in the year from 2021 to young people between the ages of 15 and 18 who have distinguished themselves through acts of fair play in the world of sports. In Asia’s case, the gesture that earned her first the 2021 Fair Play award from the Panathlon Club of Fano, and then selection to the international one, dates back to a regional qualifying competition for the national category championship two seasons ago, in which the Marche class 2006 athlete had forfeited her pass to the final by signaling that the hit that would have handed her the victory was not valid, contrary to what had initially been established by the referee. A behavior of fairness and sportsmanship’appreciated by all.
The awards ceremony was held in the elegant’location of Budapest Castle in the presence of numerous authorities. Asia, who was accompanied by her mother Silvia, Fano club technician Evelina Langella and Panathlon Club Fano President Francesco Savelli, è was welcomed on this special evening with pride and friendship by the’Ambassador of Italy to Hungary, Manuel Jacoangeli.
An award of which they say they are “proud” the President of the Italian Fencing Federation, Paolo Azzi, the Federal Council, the FIS Marche Regional Committee chaired by Stefano Angelelli and the whole “big family” of Italian fencing.
Asia Volpi’s gesture, of course, brings to mind the moreù recent cases of two other Italian female swordsmen who have become icons of fair play so much so as to be publicly praised even by the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella. Bergamo’s Mariaclotilde Adosini, in the Under-20 World Cup in Beauvais, France, decided to reappear on the piste an hour after the end of her match after a refereeing error to end, and unfortunately lose, an assault in which she had already been awarded victory. Ferrara’s Emilia Rossatti, on the other hand, chose to stop with 17 seconds to go in the final of the Italian Under 23 Championships in Vercelli, giving up her comeback attempt and leaving the victory to her opponent-rival Gaia Traditi, who had injured her ankle and at that moment was three hits ahead.
Just Emilia Rossatti, yesterday in Brindisi, took the highest step of the podium, for the women’s epee competition, in the Under 23 Mediterranean Cup.