Napoli, Premier League duel for Victor Osimhen

The Nigerian’s valuation è well over 100 million euros
Napoli coach Garcia hopes to have him available with Atalanta but there are those who aim to have him for sé for the next few years. Osimhen’s future, at the moment, è still shrouded in mystery. The coveted contract renewal è on stand-by and rumors of his possible farewell at the end of the season are becoming more and more pressing.
In particular, there would be two Premier League clubs ready to make suitable offers to convince Napoli to deprive him during next summer. The two English clubs interested would be Tottenham and Chelsea. Watch out especially for Spurs who, after Kane’s farewell, want to give the fans a new center forward of equal class.
The Nigerian’s valuation è well over 100 million euros, a figure that does not scare the two English superpowers at all. It remains to be seen if and how much they will formulate the offer and what De Laurentiis, who, in his heart, hopes to convince Osimhen to stay in Naples, will respond.