Gianmarco Pozzecco responds to haters

The words of Gianmarco Pozzecco
Gianmarco Pozzecco spoke to DAZN Got Game, also indirectly responding to his haters: "Years ago I chose how I could be, I know I get criticized for that. To those who do, let me just say one thing, I perceive a little bit’ of superficialityà».
"For example, I whyé I often take technical? People mayò think that I do it to shake up the team, to change the referees’s attitude. None of thatò. I coached my friend Stefano Mancinelli at Fortitudo. In a game against Montegranaro. He wentò in the low post, and the referees let go a couple of, shall we say; illegal defenses. Mancio got pissed offò with me becauseè I didn" defend him.
"And from that moment è my way of being on the bench changed even more, my way of posing to my players. I cannot disregard making all my players believe that I am there to protect them only. In short, I will never again make the’mistake I made with Mancio".