Achille Polonara wants to close in first place

The words of Achille Polonara
Achille Polonara charges Virtus Bologna ahead of the match that will close the A series regular season, scheduled Sunday, May 5 at home against Trento.
"I think that now, with the fact that we have finished the’Euroleague, we have more time to prepare the games and we have the longest weeks – he explained to Sportmediaset -. So we are focused on the Trento match, it will be a very tough competition. Però we are aware that we can play a great game and finish the regular season as first".
Recently Achille Polonara from the pages of the Resto del Carlino had taken stock of the physical situation after removing the testicular tumor in recent months: “Everything is going well. The last follow-up exams were in order and so I am very happy. I am also happy that the contribution I am making to Virtus is increasing. And if I was struggling at first, because I wasn't in top form, now I feel like I haven't had anything. This I think is important for me and for the team”.
"For me è it is an honor to play in what è one of the most important squares in Italy. Sometimes è itè easier to give 100 percent other times less, but what I can guarantee è that I will always go on the field with the intention of giving my all without sparing myself”.