Rabiot saves Juventus with Salernitana. Champions League qualification postponed

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Juventus-Salernitana 1-1

Juventus could not get beyond 1-1 at Allianz Stadium with Salernitana. The advantage of the granata with Pierozzi in the first half was answered by Rabiot at the beginning of the recovery in the second half, avoiding defeat for the Bianconeri, not yet certain of qualification in the Champions. However, in the event that Roma does not win in the postponement with Atalanta, qualification would become mathematical for Allegri&#39s men.

Juventus got off to a strong start: on 9’ Cambiaso stole the ball from Sambia and served Vlahovic, who let off a beautiful left-footed shot from the edge of the area that slammed onto the crossbar after Fiorillo’s decisive deflection. On 27’ Salernitana surprisingly takes the lead: corner from the right by Sambia and imperious take-off by Pierozzi that slips Szczesny at the first post. Nine minutes later the guests go close to doubling but Szczesny saves on Ikwuemesi. In the final Cambiaso hits the second wood for the Bianconeri with a nice left-footed shot from the edge.

In the second half Allegri inserted Chiesa, Iling-Junior and Miretti to turn the game around. At 60' Vlahovic, beautifully served by Chiesa, gobbled up the equalizer from in front of Fiorillo. Two minutes later the hosts again came close to equalizing with a shot-cross by Chiesa repelled by Pirola on Rugani’s chest, which randomly grazed the goal. Ten minutes from the end Milik turns a Yildiz cross well with his head but Fiorillo è still alert and deflects in the corner. At 88th Miretti hits the third woodwork with a terrifying shot from outside the box. At 91' came the equalizer with Rabiot who turned a Locatelli backheel assist into the net off a corner. In the final Basic gobbled up a resounding 1-2 on a counterattack.

Juventus thus climbs to 67 in the standings, in third place tied with Bologna, which it will challenge in the next round. Salernitana moves up to 16, still in last place.

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