Atalanta, Antonio Percassi clear on Koopmeiners future

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The Dutchman è approached by many top clubs, primarily Juventus

Antonio Percassi is enjoying the party along with all the Atalanta fans. However, there's already work to be done for the near future. There are so many issues to be resolved. First and foremost, figuring out whether Gasperini will still lead La Dea and, consequently, also deciding which champions to keep and which to sacrifice to try to build an even stronger roster.

One of the most talked about names è that of 26-year-old Koopmeiners. The Dutchman had an incredible season and, after three years in Bergamo, he now seems ready to move to an even bigger team (although Atalanta has proven to be a top club). Several Italian and foreign clubs are interested in Koopmeiners, especially Juventus, which has been targeting him for several months.

Antonio Percassi, on the possible sale of Koopmeiners, è quite clear: "A sale of him? Only if it was a choice consistent with a strategy necessary for a provincial club that must always have its accounts in order. But if you make an operation, è because è you have an equivalent replacement: we are not clueless to sell without parachutes players who are fundamental for Atalanta", his words to Gazzetta dello Sport.

In short, whoever will want the Dutchman, in addition to a suitable economic proposal (not less than 50 million euros), will first have to wait for Dea to identify the right player who can take Koopmeiners place in the middle of the field. At Atalanta are by no means clueless.

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