Paolo Campinoti responds in kind to Marc Marquez

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Pramac’s response to Marc Marquez

After Friday’s free practice of the Mugello GP, the patròn of Prima Pramac Paolo Campinoti, among the various topics discussed at the microphones of "Sky Sport MotoGp", commented in no uncertain terms on the statements made by Marc Marquez regarding the closure to a possible landing in Pramac if the promotion in the official team does not come.

"We are a top team, the attention to us are confirmation. If someone doesn't come willingly, è that's his problem. We have been 22 years without Marquez, we will make it again next year. Marc è called himself out. We have the rider leading the World Championship, last year we came second at the last race winning the constructors championship, so the problem è his and not ours" began the president of Pramac.

"He said he wants to stay in a winning team and I think we have proven that we are, so about his statements you have to ask him. It seems to me that options B and C (Aprilia and KTM) have not won many World Championships in recent years. It's his choice" continued the Tuscan manager.

"I hear what they say and listen. For now we are waiting for Ducati’s decisions, we move according to their choices. Honestly we are pleased to be courted, the team è always grown in recent years, è normal that someone is interested in us. We have a contract with Ducati, we wait for their choices and we move accordingly" concluded Paolo Campinoti.

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