Napoli, Ciccio Graziani promotes Antonio Conte

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Ciccio Graziani speaks out on Antonio Conte at Napoli

During an intervention on "Radio Goal" on Kiss Kiss Napoli, former Torino striker Francesco "Ciccio" Graziani, among other topics discussed, spoke out on the Campania club&#39s decision to restart with Antonio Conte after the disappointing season just ended. In addition, the former Fiorentina coach è also spoke on Luciano Spalletti’s national team ahead of the upcoming European Championships.

"The arrival of Conte è synonymous with guarantee, competitiveness è and desire to win. Then it will depend on the players he will have at his disposal. Napoli loses a lot without Osimhen, but Antonio's arrival recreates that enthusiasm towards the fans that was è somewhat lost this season" began the former Azzurri striker.

"I lost a bet with him on Giaccherini. When he got him I told him that he would not be reinforced with a guy who came from Cesena, he told me ' do you want to see that with me he gets to the national team?'. So è he è did. He è very skillful in revitalizing players. As soon as he interviews the boys they will fall in love with him" added the former Fiorentina coach.

"With Scamacca I think Italy has found the center forward it needed. I hope the boy will do well, he has improved the offensive department and he's just back from an excellent year with Atalanta. We don&#39t start with the favorable odds at the European Championships, but playing against us will be tough for everyone" concluded Ciccio Graziani.

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