Luca Marini bitter on the Honda

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Luca Marini bitter on Honda

Still at zero after seven MotoGp Grand Prix on the Honda saddle, Luca Marini commented positively on the possible arrival of Aleix Espargaró as a tester for the Japanese team: "I don’t know anything, but if it were true it would be fantastic. Aleix è an experienced pilot".

"È in Aprilia for many years and knows its secrets well. As a tester, we hope he will also bring some secret cards … – è Marini’s consideration, bitter and ironic- . Becauseé in the end, the rider canò explain the sensations and give you instructions, but it is the engineers who have to make the bike".

" If he will be the tester, it will be perfect. In this case I only feel sorry for Stefan Bradl, becauseé I have a very good relationship with him. But maybe he will stay too, becauseé for example now KTM has even three different testers. It could also be that both of them will work with us. Now that you have told me I will goò to talk to Honda to see what the plans", are the words reported by Corsedimoto.

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