Simone Bolelli and Andrea Vavassori make no drama

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The words of Simone Bolelli and Andrea Vavassori

Simone Bolelli and Andrea Vavassori spoke in a press conference after the defeat in the doubles final at Roland Garros: "Of course, we are disappointed, we lost three times to this pair, they start to dislike us. Sorry becauseé we also had chances. There’è was balance and some opportunities that we did not take advantage of. Doubles is based on episodes and everything canò turn on a few situations. There’è was always a high intensity and they had a great match. We tried until the end, we struggled and still we are happy with the great tournament done".
"Today’s defeat we are accusing it– added Bolelli in particular – but we still came one’time in a Slam final, we went up in ranking and Turinè a goal that is getting closer and closer. We have to go away with confidence, we have expressed a great level and we are sure that sooner or later our moment will come" too.

"To lose finals you have to get there, we came close, but you have to be proud of what è was done. If you win it of course you tell about it and appreciate it in a different way, but è still a Slam" final, concurred the Turinese.

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