Euro 2024, Gigio Donnarumma ruthless: “Unacceptable, we must apologize.”

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An apology arrives, addressed to the whole country.

Gigio Donnarumma does not turn around Italy's elimination from Euro 2024 after the sound defeat against Switzerland, nor the bad performance offered by the Azzurri on the pitch in Berlin. The national team goalkeeper and captain starts with that, and an apology to the country, but assures that the group will restart.

"At this moment è it is difficult to even talk – Donnarumma began at the microphones of 'Sky Sport' -. Right to take all our responsibilities, do the mea culpa and apologize to Italy. You have to accept the fact that we never entered the game, Switzerland certainly played well but we had to do much better. I refuse to believe that we are really this".

" So many of us have to learn to have higher rhythms and to better manage matches of this importance,” Donnarumma added. “Surely playing cups and European competitions will help us, we have so many strong youngsters who have the chance to grow and improve. We have to move forward all together, and è thereò we will".

"We are all responsible for what è happened, and we know that each of us could have given more. Now forò we need to move forward, we need the strength to handle the balls better and support them cleanly. We need the will to react, to help each other. To take a goal like the second one from Switzerland, at the beginning of the second half, è unacceptable", concluded Donnarumma.

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