Ettore Messina pays tribute to Giorgio Armani

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The words of Olimpia Milano

Ettore Messina paid tribute in the pages of Gazzetta dello Sport to Giorgio Armani, who turned 90 today."In February 2021 at the height of the Covid era we won the Coppa Italia in an empty Forum due to restrictions imposed by the’emergency. The next day we celebrated the victory at a team lunch with President Leo Dell’Orco. 

"Mr. Armani wanted to speak. He said he was proud becauseé we had won and we had done it by playing smartly. I was very impressed that an’icon of world elegance had called the play of a basketball team" elegant, recalled the coach of Olimpia Milano.

The red and white club also bought a page of the pink newspaper to wish its patron well: «Mr. Armani, we are the ones in basketball; we are the ones who make you suffer after a defeat; who make you tremble when they win at the last second; who make you rejoice on the best of days. We are the ones who owe her eternal gratitude, for what she has done, is doing and will do; for our team, for the city of Milan and ultimately for all of basketball. We are those who receive from her support, moral support, values, sense of responsibilityà".

"Today, on such an important day for her, we would like to convey to her all our gratitude and appreciation. We do it we from Olimpia Milano, but ideally we are sure that we represent all the fans, all the fans, all Milan. Olimpia Milano, all its fans and sympathizers".

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