Prestigious assignment for Fr. Luca Meacci, a sports priest

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Prestigious assignment for Don Meacci

The CEI Presidency has appointed the new national ecclesiastical assistant of the CSI. È Tuscan Don Luca Meacci, 60, until now since 1996 regional ecclesiastical assistant of the CSI Tuscany. It was Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, president of the CEI, who made the appointment official by the Presidency of the Italian Bishops’ Conference.

 "I thank the CEI and the CSI for this appointment that I welcome with joy and a lot of responsibility; – Don Luca&#39s first words as national ecclesiastical assistant, just reached by the news -. I am passionate about challenges, so I welcome it with gratitude and commitment. I would like to salute the National Assistants who have preceded me and the CSI of Tuscany, which has introduced me to and experienced the Association in so many dynamics and occasions".

"I thank my Bishop, Monsignor Stefano Manetti for endorsing and sharing this appointment – added the priest -And at this moment I would like to greet and embrace all the CSI, athletes, managers, societiesà: we have a great fortune, that of being able to serve, through sport, so many people of all ages. Offering them opportunities for celebration, for play, for beautiful relationships, where sport enhances the beauty of meeting and competing. To the national sports world, of every discipline and grade, my gratitude and my willingness to collaborate for the good of the person".

The role of ecclesiastical assistant by CSI Statute è provided for at all levels of association (national, regional and territorial), with the task of contributing to the realization of the educational goals of the Italian Sports Center through the’exercise of his ministerial service. Fr. Luca Meacci, with a past as a sportsman in amateur soccer and cycling, è the 10th national ecclesiastical assistant of the CSI succeeding Fr. Alessio Albertini (2012-2023), after Msgr. Federico Sargolini (1945-1950), Msgr. Albino Galletto (1950-1952), Msgr. Nicola Pavoni (1953-1965), Fr. Claudio Bucciarelli (1965-1974), Fr. Gianni Gherardi (1974-1989), Fr. Gian Battista Gandolfo (1989-1995), Fr. Vittorio Peri (1995-2005), and Msgr. Claudio Paganini (2005-2012).


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