Turin, Urbano Cairo extols Paolo Vanoli and makes an announcement in the market key

Urban Cairo promises "two or three grafts"
In Pinzolo, site of Torino’s summer training camp, è the day of Paolo Vanoli’s presentation: an appointment that serves not only to define next season’s goals in terms of results, but also to talk about soccer market. In this regard, Urbano Cairo followed up on the words spoken a few days ago in a press conference by the head of the club's technical area, Davide Vagnati.
"We have made reasoning with the coach – said the granata patron to the reporters present -. We are still missing one or two defenders, plus we need a left outside: è our intention is to do things right and also quickly". Even Vagnati, in last Saturday’s press conference, had spoken of three purchases to be made as soon as possible.
As for Vanoli's characteristics, Cairo is waiting impatiently to see him at work: "Vagnati convinced me by talking about an entertaining soccer and at the same time attentive to the defensive phase,” he said.
I was very impressed by what he did in Venice: he took over the team when it was in the penultimate place in B and within a year and a half he took it to Serie A".
Vanoli himself can't wait to get started and says he is proud of the call from the seven-time Italian champion club: "Toro,” the new coach said in a press conference, “represents the history of Italian soccer, being able to be part of it makes me really proud and loads me with great responsibility. It's great to be here".