Pecco Bagnaia: chilling farewell to Luca Salvadori

A touching tribute after the terrible tragedy.
Pecco Bagnaia remembers Luca Salvadori, who tragically passed away at just 32 years of age from the consequences of an accident that involved him Saturday in Frohburg, Saxony, where the final round of the season of the International Road Racing Championship'was being contested. The Ducati centaur chose Instagram to pay tribute to his unfortunate colleague, whose social channels Salvadori had been a guest on when he told motorcycling.
"Luca Salvadori had become a point of reference, not only for me, but for all motorsport fans – writes Bagnaia in his post -. In a world that works a bit backwards, where success is not always forgiven, he always commented objectively on every race, session, happened. He had become a fixture. Not only for the words but also for the way he had managed to be heard".
"Whenever I was offered to be interviewed or to have a chat,” Bagnaia continued, talking about Salvadori's activity as content creator, “I was always happy to be able to share thoughts with him, because heé was an extremely positive person… one of those people you feel like listening to because theyé convey an enormous passion for what they do and è a privilege for few. I will never forget those three laps on the track at Portimao that we did together… once we got back to the pits he was ecstatic, few times have I seen someone happier than that. È managed to make his passion a job and he put his all into it, never giving up, always believing".
"Luca will not only be missed by me, he will be missed by everyone becauseé people like thatì are fundamental in our world.
He along with Alberto Naska, The Talking Helmet and Our Riders started something that had never been done, prompting many more people to follow this wonderful sport in a different way… almost more closely than a television can. Thank you Luca. We will miss you", concludes Bagnaia.