Monza ko, Milan Djuric knows what was missed

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Monza ko, Milan Djuric knows so'è missed

On Sunday afternoon Monza è fell at home against Bologna. The guests, ahead with Urbanski on 24', were reached by Djuric’s goal in the closing minutes of the first half, then in the second half è came Castro’s mark for the final 1-2.

Milan Djuric analyzed the defeat this way in the press conference: "We started very well, we knew that Bologna è a great team. In my opinion è we lacked energy in the second half, they made a great play on Castro" goal.

"My goals are a bit of an end in themselves: they are obviously pleasing but what counts is the result, so the happiness today was a bit choked. We have quality and we know it but we have to improve in the last pass, we struggle to close actions" said the mighty center forward.

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