Kenan Yıldız in the crosshairs of critics, but some defend him

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The words of Beccalossi

It is not è an easy period for Kenan Yıldız, who after a record-breaking goal on his Champions League debut è ended up in the crosshairs of critics for some subsequent lesser performances.

Evaristo Beccalossi on Tuttosport però defended him: "From him you always expect the decisive blow and he, evidently, perceives all this. He has to give a damn. And free himself from all that there’è off the field. His talent è enormous. Nor can he be expected to solve all the problems of Juve" on his own.

On the weight of the number 10 jersey: "No, in my opinion, otherwise you cannot play at certain levels. I arrived at’Inter when I was 22 and before me there had been Martians like Suarez, Corso and Mazzola. Yet, with all the limitations I could have, that was an incredible stimulus. Pressure was not on my mind. In fact, I was giving at least 30 percent more to prove that I could stay at certain levels".

"The fantasist in contemporary soccer tends to disappear,è true. In my time there’was an embarrassment of riches, but maybe è our fault: today we are less good at valuing talent", concluded in general the former interista.

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