Luca Zaia compliments Paola Egonu and dots the ‘i’s’
Veneto governor Luca Zaia è happy
Veneto Governor Luca Zaia congratulates Paola Egonu on the great award given to her. "There’è so much of Veneto and Conegliano in the well-deserved title of best player in the world awarded to Paola Egonu by the Fivb" he says proudly.
"That she was very strong we knew since the golden days of’Imoco Conegliano, where she built a relevant part of her career, but I think she reached her peak by winning with Velasco’s national team the Paris Olympics. Brava Paola, on behalf of all true sportsmen from Veneto" adds the politician.
"If this title were also awarded to teams it would certainly arrive on the shirts of the girls of the’Imoco Volleyball, for years at the top in all the competitions in which they participate, but also in this ranking there are several of them, protagonists of the past, present and even the future with the jersey of Conegliano. Congratulations to all" Zaia concludes.