Euroleague, Virtus Bologna sunk by former Luca Banchi

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Euroleague, Virtus Bologna sunk by the'former Luca Banchi

In the game of the twenty-eighth day of the Euroleague, Virtus Bologna is soundly beaten at the Sinan Erdem Dome in Istanbul for 89-68 by’Anadolu Efes collecting the sixth consecutive defeat saying goodbye for good to the play-in zone.

In the first quarter the Vere Nere kept pace with the Turks, closing it on 24-24, and in the second they even stretched, with an initial partial of 11-2, but towards the long interval they had their lead nibbled away and the first half ended 42-39. In the third quarter from 48-44 Virtus suffers a 13-0 partial: è the turning point of the game, we get to the last ten minutes on 61-52 for the hosts.

In the’last quarter the margin in favor of the Turks coached by Luca Banchi, the big ex of the evening, dilates until it reaches its maximum right in the final score. For Anadolu Efes 21 points by Elijah Bryant and 18 by Vincent Poirier, for the Black Vs 17 by Tornike Shengelia. Below are the words of coach Dusko Ivanovic.

“Congratulations to the’Efes who deserved this win in a special way in the second half where they played better than us, with more aggressiveness and with a more fluid game in attack. We found no way to play well on offense against their aggressive defense”.

“The key to the game was not the rebounds but their more aggressive” defense in the second half, I think we did not have clean play situations on offense, only Toko had some good plays. The Efes players did really very well on defense”

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