Varese basketball, here is the new point guard

Last year he played in the Czech Republic
New arrival at Varese Basketball. In fact, the club is happy to announce the signing of new point guard Colbey Ross, class of 1998, who will thus wear the Openjobmetis jersey.
Ross is a talented player with strong offensive skills that allow him to be dangerous as the main offensive end but also in favor of his teammates. Last year he played for the Czech team Nymburk, but before that he attended Pepperdine University where he became the best scorer and best assistman in the history of the university itself. In addition, he is the first player in NCAA Division I to score at least 2,200 points, 800 assists and 400 rebounds. In recent days, he played in the NBA Summer League with the Portland Trail Blazers.
These are the words of Michael Arcieri, general manager of Varese Basketball: “Today is an exciting day filled with optimism for the season ahead. Colbey is a fearless leader and a great competitor. His ability to control the game and his pace to put his teammates in the best condition and to make the winning play has always been his trademark. He is the ideal player for a fast-paced style of play that keeps the ball and players moving at all times. We are happy that he has espoused our red and white project and give a heartfelt welcome to him and his family.”
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