States General of Sports Clubs at Tuscany Hall: Abodi and Malagò will also be there

Morning of discussion in Florence
Between the past and the future, to continue the path started and help many realities of the territory to face what is probably the most difficult period in the history of sports. Next Saturday, Nov. 26 (from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.), Tuscany Hall will once again be the protagonist of the States General of Sports Companies. A morning of confrontation that comes after two pandemic years, in the midst of the storm of high bills and just short of the entry into force of the sports reform. An event promoted by the Florence CONI, which last year brought together 600 sports realities and to which delegate Fabio Giorgetti wanted to give an extremely concrete slant.
“Sports clubs are in great difficulty,” says Florence CONI Provincial Delegate Fabio Giorgetti, “The inordinate increase in users risks bringing to their knees realities that have public and educational interest. There is a need to put sports among the priorities in the management of our municipalities, to change the regional law, to allow those who manage facilities to be self-sufficient from an energy point of view, and to rethink the way public facilities are entrusted.”
Speakers are scheduled to be joined by the Minister of Sport, Andrea Abodi, and the president of CONI, Giovanni Malagò.
Between the first edition in 2021 and the next one, scheduled for Saturday, in fact, there are numerous paths activated by CONI: from the Sos project for sports clubs, to courses (more than four hundred enrolled on different topics) and the concrete support offered to more than fifty clubs in the area. In addition, a path has been undertaken to define a banking product for the financeability of sports clubs. A concrete and initiated path. A base from which the work of the next States General will start.