Tension at home Spal: harsh communiqué from the West Curva

Tension at home Spal: harsh communiqué from the curve
The Spal Curve has issued a statement declaring all relations with the club have ceased.
“We are writing this communiqué out of extreme clarity and transparency towards all the fans,” reads the note issued by the Estensi ultras. “That transparency that we have always demanded from all the clubs that have taken office and that has consequently always distinguished our work. Let us come immediately to the point: the relationship between the company that manages the S.P.A.L. and Curva Ovest Ferrara has ceased. The reasons for this decision, we believe, are clear to everyone: the total and brazen lack of respect, had in recent months towards all the fans, determined that there were not the minimum conditions to have any kind of relationship with the ownership. That said, we will continue, as always, to support the team with maximum energy and commitment, home and away. We will continue, as always, to organize aggregative, cultural and recreational initiatives for the fans and the city of Ferrara.
“For our colors. All the support, warmth and folklore of our curve will not be lost and also for this reason we do not want to be pulled by the jacket by any company employee with requests for meetings or any kind of contact beyond the minimum organizational ones to be entertained with the S.L.O. We do not want any more meetings and relationships: having reached this point we do not even consider them useful. We simply each do well what we have to do in respect of roles: the society do the society, we will do the fans. For the good of S.P.A.L. In the season that has just ended with a sports disaster that will have very heavy repercussions, we have demonstrated our full value, with facts, not talk. Now the society will show what its.
Curva Ovest Ferrara.”