Dan Peterson sees Mirotic as Larry Bird

The words of Dan Peterson
Dan Peterson on Gazzetta dello Sport in an editorial titled: "It' already; Olimpia-Virtus, first answers in view of Euroleague" extolled the great market coup of the red shoes.
"As mentioned in the summer, Olimpia made the big hit of the market with the’arrival of big forward Nikola Mirotic, 208 cm tall, with an’excellent experience in the NBA (my friends in Chicago still regret his departure from the Bulls), as well as in the Euroleague with Barcelona. È a total player, as Larry Bird’was once.
Today, meanwhile, è the Italian Supercup is scheduled, with the new four-team formula. Olimpia Milano will make its debut at 6 p.m. against Virtus Bologna of new coach Banchi (who just arrived in place of the exonerated Scariolo).
With the pre-season over (with decidedly comforting results), coach Messina is about to re-embrace the national team members who participated in the World Cup, namely Azzurri Tonut, Ricci and Melli, as well as the new World Champions, namely German nationals Voigtmann and Lo.