Gianmarco Pozzecco, Petrucci speaks out.

The words of Gianni Petrucci
Gianni Petrucci spoke to La Gazzetta dello Sport about Gianmarco Pozzecco: "I was never convinced that part time for a coach was a good choice. But I’ve seen how things go and times change. I thought about it, I discussed it with Venice’s number one vice vice president Federico Casarin, and we decided to let it go. We are not Germany. Cicero said, Quot capita, tot sententiae, many heads, many opinions“.
"I am partially satisfied with the World Cup. Before the’beginning there were those who said we wouldn’t make it, instead we made it to the quarters. After many years, we have played two World Cups in the last few seasons and we also returned to the’Olympics, where we finished fifth. The results are there, even in the three-on-three”.
Filling in on Datome: “It depends on him. I saw him in Rome recently, we talked to each other. In FIP he can è play any role. Gigi è the son that every family would like to have".