Fiorentina-Juventus will be played

Fiorentina-Juventus will be played
Fiorentina-Juventus will be played regularly. This was made official by the Observatory on Sporting Events of the Department of Public Security, through an official statement.
"The’Observatory on Sports Events of the Department of Public Security, having taken note of the determinations of the Serie A Football League and heard the provincial authorities of Public Security of Florence, has assessed that under the profile of’public order and safety, which is the responsibility of the body and the Public Safety Authorities themselves, there are no grounds to order a ban on the match with postponement to another date" reads the note issued by the Observatory.
"The’Observatory has also assessed that for the holding of this evening’s soccer match have been allocated law enforcement resources not subtracted in any way from those engaged in relief activities for the population affected by the’flood".