Olimpia Milano overwhelms Gianmarco Pozzecco’s Asvel, Ettore Messina doesn’t inflict.

Ettore Messina comments on the wide success against Asvel'Asvel
On Wednesday evening, the sixth success (compared to nine defeats) in this edition of the Euroleague arrived for Olimpia Milano, capable of getting rid of Asvel led by Gianmarco Pozzecco with the result of 84-61, at the end of a balanced match only in the first quarter, in which the French team had managed to close on +1, before sinking in the remaining 30'
Coach Ettore Messina, at the end of the game, preferred, however, to keep a low profile and while congratulating his players, he urged them not to let their guard down because already Friday the calendar presents a complex challenge, again at the Forum, against Panathinaikos, one of the companies that every year starts with all the intention of establishing itself at the European level.
"It’ was a good win, for us, we are very happy – Messina said. All the players who went on the court did it with energy, desire and a lot of selflessness. I think that in addition to the assists, 27, which indicates precisely the great desire to pass the ball, the most important figure was the 14 stolen balls with our defense".
"Unfortunately, there’è is no time to celebrate – he then added, immediately asking his team to regain focus – becauseé in 48 hours we will go on the court against a very strong team. We only have time to rest a bit’ and prepare for Friday night". Panathinaikos played in turn on Wednesday, winning 91-90 in the home of Monaco.