An Italian at Chelsea: official Enzo Maresca

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An Italian at Chelsea: official Enzo Maresca

Through an official statement, Chelsea announced Enzo Maresca as its new coach: a 5-year contract for him with a renewal option for the sixth.

"We are delighted to welcome Enzo to Chelsea. He has proven to be an excellent coach capable of delivering impressive results with an exciting and identifiable style,” explained Laurence Stewart and Paul Winstanley, Chelsea’s sporting directors.”

Enzo deeply impressed us in our discussions leading to his appointment. His ambitions and work ethic are in line with those of the club. We look forward to working with him".

These are Maresca’s first words: "To join Chelsea, one of the biggest clubs in the world, è a dream for any coach. È that is why I am so excited about this opportunity. I look forward to working with a very talented group of players and staff to develop a team that will continue the club&#39s tradition of success and make our fans proud".

Maresca’s staff will include former Chelsea goalkeeper Willy Caballero, Danny Walker, Michele De Bernardin, Marcos Alvarez, Javi Molina and Roberto Vitiello. Ben Roberts will join the staff as goalkeeping coach.

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