Simone Inzaghi, agent reassures on future

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Simone Inzaghi&#39s agent appeases on renewal

After the change of ownership and the appointment of Beppe Marotta as the new president, Inter è returned to deal with some outstanding issues, the renewals of Simone Inzaghi and Nicolò Barella above all. As for the former, the club reportedly met with the Piacenza coach's agent to find an agreement for a contract extension. The same Tullio Tinti, at the microphones of "Sky Sport", wanted to reassure the Nerazzurri fans about the future of the former Lazio.

"We are talking, in my opinion he could stay even until 2037 (laughs, ed.). We are just at the beginning, but there'è the willà from both of us to continue together. The&39;meetingè was very positive, forò we did not give ourselves a timeline, sinceè è just changed ownershipà and they also need to have time to become operational. We will definitely talk again soon" this is the comment from Simone Inzaghi&#39s agent.

In addition to the extension of the coach from Piacenza, Inter, in the coming days, should resume contacts also for the renewal of Nicolò Barella, with whom there è already has been for some time an agreement in principle for the contract extension until 2029. In addition, the next few weeks should also see the official signing of Lautaro Martinez, who will go on to sign a contract until June 30, 2029 with a salary of almost 10 million euros per season, including bonuses.

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