Riccardo Moraschini honors Trieste fans

Riccardo Moraschini also thanks the Julian audience
Although the 74-73 success at PalaTrieste keeps alive the promotion hopes of Acqua S. Bernardo Cantù (now down 2-1 in the series against the Giulians), the Brianza club has to deal with the nasty injury suffered by Riccardo Moraschini, who left the court after a bad twist to his knee in a collision to recover a loose ball.
In the aftermath of the knockout, Moraschini himself described his feelings in a post published on his Instagram profile, among other things honoring the supporters of the opposing team, who accompanied the 1991-class basketball player's exit from the court with a heartfelt applause.
"To describe the sadness and frustration that I feel at this moment è impossible in words – wrote l'ex, among others, of Brindisi, Olimpia Milano and Reyer Venezia -. I just want to thank from the bottom of my heart all the people who have written me in these hours. Thanks to all the Canturini, all the basketball fans and the fans of Pallacanestro Trieste, for the warm and affectionate applause they gave me as I left the court".
"I don’t know how long I’ll be out, but your affection will give me great strength, once again, to overcome even this misfortune. See you soon" concluded Moraschini. The club, on Tuesday afternoon, then updated on his condition: "The right knee injury will prevent the player from taking the court again for the continuation of the series. The’extentà of the injury and its recovery time will be determined with more certainty after the necessary specialist examinations, which will be carried out in the coming days by orthopedic specialists. Upon completion of these in-depth examinations, the company will promptly communicate the relevant updates" reads the note of the biancazzurra company.