“The other” Thuram sparks yet another Inter-Juventus derby

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Son and brother of as many champions, è ready to unleash yet another derby d'Italia.

Khephren Thuram è ready to trigger a new duel between Inter and Juventus, this time in the soccer market. The Nice midfielder è in fact son of Lilian, a great defender of the Bianconeri past, and brother of Marcus, the center forward symbol of the fresh Nerazzurri scudetto. Well: his profile seems more and more to be tempting the two all-time rivals.

That Inter were interested in the "second" Thuram had already been circulating for weeks, in the meantime però Juventus itself seems to have plunged overbearingly on the player. As stated by the website of the 'Gazzetta dello Sport', in fact, the Old Lady has identified him as the ideal reinforcement of its midfield. Passed, in this sense, even the profile of Youssouf Fofana.

The 'Rosea' recalls that Khephren Thuram&#39s contract with Nice expires in 2025, which is why the French club itself might be well disposed to let him leave this summer to avoid losing him on a zero-parameter basis in a year. The player, for his part, would be in favor of moving to Juventus in his father’s footsteps. Also important is the salary discourse: the player currently earns less than 1 million euros a year, while Monaco pays Fofana almost 3 million.

Obstacle to the negotiation could be Inter, since according to the 'Corriere dello Sport' the ever-watchful Marotta and Ausilio have had him in their sights since May. The intention was to wait for him for a year, allowing him to play in Nice for another season. Juventus's interest, however, could prompt the Meneghina management to go on the counterattack.

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