Near Tragedy at Monza-Resegone

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Nearly tragedy

Near-tragedy at the Monza-Resegone, a popular running competition in Brianza: a motorist ran over a volunteer from the National Carabinieri Association who was managing traffic in Cernusco Lombardone, fleeing soon after.

In his rush, the driver of the car also hit a cyclist. Carabinieri stopped him before he could cause further damage.

The people involved were wearing reflective bibs and vests, and the intersection was well lit. Among them was a 41-year-old volunteer from the National Carabinieri Association of Trezzo sull'Adda, who was positioned at the crosswalk to regulate traffic.

The woman è was taken to the hospital, but fortunately her condition turned out to be less worrisome than expected as well as that of the cyclist.


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