Arrigo Sacchi sheds light on Roberto Baggio’s penalty shot

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The words of Arrigo Sacchi

Arrigo Sacchi è returned to speak in the Gazzetta dello Sport about the famous penalty missed by Roberto Baggio in the 1994 USA World Cup final. "After the article I wrote in Wednesday’s Gazzetta, in which I recalled the 1994 World Cup and my Italy’s defeat on penalty kicks against Brazil, I was surprised to find that I had raised some controversy".

"In particular, the final passage where I say: "The difference between my Italy of 1994 and Lippi’s Italy of 2006 that won the title è in a penalty kick: Roberto Baggio misses it, Fabio Grosso scores it". Someone, in my opinion erroneously, wanted to interpret my words as an indictment of Baggio and a lack of gratitude to him. Far from me, this intention".

"I will" always be grateful to my players who allowed me to get as far as that goal, and that goal, that second place, I will continue to claim it with pride because" it was the result of an extraordinary and very tiring journey, accomplished uphill and with a thousand adversaries rowing against us. Much more simply, with that sentence, I meant to emphasize that a penalty shot, or rather three because we missed three with Brazil (besides Roberto Baggio, also Baresi and Massaro), cannot tip the scales to one side or the other, cannot be decisive in the overall judgment of an experience. That".

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