Volleyball, De Giorgi’s ambitions ahead of Paris: “I’m focusing on young people”

Volleyball, De Giorgi’s ambitions ahead of Paris: "Focus on youth"
Italy men’s volleyball coach Fefé De Giorgi in an interview with Quotidiano Sportivo spoke about the national volleyball team’s ambitions and dreams ahead of the Paris 2024 Olympics: "Gold obsession? Talking about obsession leads you to shift the focus, è an excess from a sports point of view. I prefer to think about determination, which è an important element".
De Giorgi will focus a lot on young people: "If I see 17- to 20-year-olds who are deserving, I call them. When I chose to send the youngest team to the Vnl finals è becauseé there’è a project. Young people cannot be 25 years old; they are 20 at most. They have qualities, if you don’t test them when can they demonstrate them? You have to give the opportunity’to grow, with direct responsibility. È an investment in a project that we are pursuing. It has costs, of course: but we often say we believe in young people, and then we don".
On the Olympic tournament: "The formula è different, this time you could find even immediately the teams faced in the round. We caught the most complicated team in the third bracket, Brazil. But è such a short review that you have to get into it mentally right away. And the other rounds are no longer easy, they are all tough opponents".