Paris 2024 Olympics, Fabio Balaso ready to do anything for gold medal

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Fabio Balaso è loaded for the Olympic Games

On the sidelines of the Italian men’s national volleyball team’s training camp ahead of the Paris 2024 Olympic tournament, Fabio Balaso spoke about Italvolley’s prospects to the official channels of his club, Lube Civitanova: "Taking part in the Olympics è a dream come true. Any athlete cherishes the hope of even leaving for the most significant competition" he said.

"It is a hope that peeped out when I was very young,‖ the blue libero further explained, -then became sharper and more electrifying until it took shape. For me è beautiful to go to Paris with this group of athletes and men. I am not going to go out on a real prediction becauseé the most important teams are close in level of play. I believe, however, that Italy has what it takes to play with all the opponents".

Balaso, as well as his national teammates, è ready to give everything to give volleyball Italy the only laurel that is missing in the federal trophy case, the Olympic gold: " It will be a short tournament, but very hard and no one will give discounts. This we must have clear from the very beginning. We will have to play giving our best step by step, without calculations noré too much reasoning".

"The secret è to focus on every single ball, to live the present with intensity, the right mental approach and a good dose of competitive nastiness to make the future even more exciting. In order to win, a team must overcome difficult moments with the strength of the collective and be able to understand the crucial phases of matches by interpreting them lucidly," concluded the 1995-class volleyball player.

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