Antonio Conte’s Napoli gets off to a strong start with Kvaratskhelia

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Antonio Conte’s Napoli gets off to a strong start with Kvaratskhelia

Antonio Conte’s Napoli wins and convinces against the Albanians of Egnatia, beaten 4-0 in the first friendly match of the Castel di Sangro retreat. Kvaratskhelia scored immediately, then Politano, Simeone and Ngonge. Conte commented positively on the match, which saw Napoli almost never suffer defensively: "After quite a bit' of training with heavy workloads we are starting to turn a bit'. It's normal to struggle a little bit, we have to thank the guys, we are trying to do things on the offensive and defensive phases. I see a team that puts intensity and cooperates, I asked to do the offensive phase and also the defensive phase all together. We can and must improve, becauseé there will be situations in games in season that will come up and where we have to improve".

"Kvara had a very good game. The type of game we are trying is to allow him, Politano and Ngonge to play one-on-one and go inside. It's a tactical solution that can enhance even more these players".

" We are working a lot from a tactical point of view to give an identity to the team. I am very happy with the willingnessà and the desire of the boys, we have room for improvement. There will be a next step with Brest in a few days, we are working in an important way from all points of view, tactically and physically. We will continue to work in these matches for the future".

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