Pecco Bagnaia eats his hands and makes mea culpa

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The words of Pecco Bagnaia

Pecco Bagnaia didn’t hide his disappointment after the sprint race: "I had a very good start but I couldn’t get the bike up under braking in turn 1 and so everyone passed me. I must say that in the first 2 laps I struggled with the feeling and the rear, but from there on I was back up as usual. I really had a lot of it, but unfortunately I anticipated the’entry into turn 4 and my’front“ closed.

"We were at a very high level. With the time I did in the race I could start tenth – explained again the three-time rainbowi to the microphones of Sky Sport MotoGP– the race pace was incredible. Too bad becauseé I was comfortable and definitely I would have passed Aleix. You could ride well and I could fight for the victory, but unfortunately I laid down and è it was clearly my mistake. When you understand it right away forò è easier to go forward“.

"In my opinion with the new tires this is no longer è a consumption track forè you have to do management anyway. We are very strong in this and so is Enea è. We have to understand the Aprilia, because in my opinion they got the front tire wrong today and I could clearly see that Aleix could not brake or enter the corners strongly, otherwise he would have had more margin because in all the accelerations he was incredible. If already; today we were fast tomorrow we can have good potential”.

“Fuel? Martin consumes a lot of fuel over the course of this weekend, moreù than the others – concluded Bagnaia – è it is true that Enea has also finished it’but I think it is normal becauseé this è a track where you are very much on the gas, forò it also depends on how much one manages“.

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