Zlatan Ibrahimovic surprises everyone on the Milan market

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The words of Zlatan Ibrahimovic

On the sidelines of Emerson Royal’s presentation, Zlatan Ibrahimovic spoke in general about the Milan market and the relationship with Carinale: "Gerry è in town; we had meetings yesterday and today: we talk about various things. Nothing new. Gerry wants us to spend more; but I say no, we spend what we need to strengthen".

Kalulu case: "We need to talk to him and find the best for him. I cannot answer today. We have to figure out what è best for him and for the club. I am sorry that Florenzi got injured but with Emerson we have an extra reinforcement for the team. Emerson had a great desire to come".

The Rossoneri market is not è closed: "It does not mean that two more players will come. To build a world there isn't just who comes in. Then we will see. We are in no hurry, è everything under control: we have our goals, the strategy we are following to strengthen the team. Always with profiles that we seek".

Comment on Silvio Berlusconi: "He&#39s someone I care a lot about. The first time I came to Milan he gave me happiness: I had so much esteem for the person. I am sorry that he is gone; but he always remains in our memory. Tonight we play the Berlusconi Trophy, a tribute to him. I always try to bring and pass on what he taught me: for me he was great and we are here thanks to him, he was Milan. Everyone has respect and gratitude for him".

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