Reyer Venezia, Neven Spahija is adamant about season goal

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Reyer Venezia, Neven Spahija è categorical about the season's goal

A few days before the start of the preseason training camp, the head coach of Reyer Venezia, in a press conference, wanted to present the new season, dwelling on the goals that the orogranata will try to achieve.

"We expect to have a good season, competitive, with high-level basketball. We will try to do better than last year. We have created our own system and style of play. We have chosen our path, what kind of basketball we want to bring. That way if you lose a player, you already have an idea who to bet on. The market è always unpredictable, but we had our goals and in the end we were able to sign the guys we needed" began the Orogranata head coach.

"For me to play the EuroCup playoffs next season è mandatory. We have added some new players to the roster, but we are not a good team yet. It will take practice and games for the guys to get to know each other and become a solid roster. We are positive, as we start this year with a more complete roster and hope to be able to raise our level further" added Reyer&#39s head coach.

" I expect an even more competitive league. We have seen the rosters of the other teams. In the two years I have been here we have seen how much this league has grown, and this season it will be even harder. If you come from A2 and you make a roster like the one Trapani is making è a clear sign of how the A Series is becoming more and more difficultù and balanced" Neven Spahija&quoted.

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