Juventus, Pierre Kalulu introduces himself and thanks Thiago Motta

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Pierre Kalulu: first words as an HCL

Juventus’ new signing Pierre Kalulu è introduced himself in a press conference: "My first feelings were very positive: I found a beautiful group that welcomed me very well. In addition, I was able to play a few minutes in Verona and the game could not have gone better than it did. At Juventus I will bring my characteristics, I will put them at the disposal of this club: surely I will give my all for this jersey".

"For me, the presence of the Mister here, at Juventus, è was very important – added the French defender -: he wanted to have me in the team and I è have been appreciating his way of coaching and making teams play for a long time. The group è very strong, but we know that we have to think about one game at a time. We started very well, but we are only at the beginning: we will try to do the best for this great team and for our fans who deserve it".

"I am very religious, consequently this opportunity that è arrived now for me è is a sign: it means that it was an opportunity that had to be seized – the former Milan player then explained. Whether he will stay here at Juventus at the end of this season? I don’t know, what I do know, forò is that he will make the most of this new adventure, then we will see. For me at the moment only the present" counts.

On the ambitions of the Bianconeri: "We are happy for this excellent start, but there's no euphoria. There'è awareness in our own means and the desire to continue to work intensively as è has been done from the beginning of preparation until today. Scudetto? È true, I recently won a championship, but it is now in the past. I will certainly bringò my experience to the service of the team, but only all together we can achieve great results".

Finally, Kalulu reassured about his physical condition: "I feel good, I am fit: I have been training for a few days with the group and when it is my time – from the start or in the match – I will be ready. On Sunday I will experience the Allianz Stadium for the first time as a Juventus player: I am very excited to meet our fans up close".

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