Luna Rossa now at risk, Max Sirena explains technical problem

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Max Sirena pulls straight

Three missed match points, one more available to avoid playing it all out at the last race: these are Luna Rossa&#39s prospects in the Louis Vuitton Cup semifinal that saw the Italian outfit&#39s crew go from 4-0 down to 4-3 against that of American Magic. A psychologically difficult situation to which a mechanical accident in the second race also contributed, although Max Sirena, Luna Rossa skipper and team director, tries not to make dramas.

"Definitely not è it was not the day we expected, but the sport è so è – he said. The first regatta è was very good and hard-fought, we started well and were ahead for most of the match. Then è the wind dropped when we were in front and we fell off the foils".

"In the second race,” he explained again, coming to the time of the technical problem, “we were neck and neck, with lots of crossing and lots of overtaking. Then, in the second stern when we were ahead, we had a damage in the part of the mainsail control system that prevented us from finishing the match. Now we will do all the necessary evaluations to be ready tomorrow on the starting line".

"The sport è soì but nothing è changed, the boats are pulled to the limit and unfortunately an accident like this can happen. Morale however è high, we are racing well, we are fast and so tomorrow we go on the water to bring home the point" concluded the Romagnolo sailor.

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